Einarr Hrafnsson

The Black Beast of Golmore Jungle

A traveller searching for a way home forward, lending a hand to those in need but ever yearning for the questions left unanswered.

"Do not fear the winter, my child. For there is always a path towards homeward bound."


AGE: 114 | Appears to be in his 30s
RACE: Viera (Rava)
SEXUALITY: Pansexual
NATION: Ul'dah, Ishgard
ORIGIN: Golmore Jungle

Einarr Kishna, a borne defender of the Golmore Jungle under the Kishna clan. The inheritor of their tradition and title, Ormr Kishna, a sworn name that those of their clan were born into. To be raised as beasts, to live as one, and to be a monster for a monster. That was the role of those that bear the title of the Black Beast. To live not as man but as the things that mortal hearts fear.

But Einarr, despite his pride for this clan's eternal duty, desired for skies beyond the canopies of his people's jungle. He desired freedom and a life beyond what his forebears had given him. So much so that the wanderlust had made him shed his title and be branded as an exile, to never return to the lands that he had protected for decades.

He was no longer, Ormr Kishna, the Black Beast of the Golmore Jungle but simply, Einarr Hrafnsson, son of Hrafn the Unyielding. A simple man who left his home for greener pastures with nothing but the clothes on his back and his trusted spear, he journeyed beyond the jungle, and learned of the world in its entirety. Einarr fell, he fell in love with the beauties of what he saw and the sorrows that came with its tragedies, because these were things that he had never experienced within his guilded cage. And this had led him to the gates of Ishgard, ever stalwart and guarded against their would-be invaders.

In this cold land, he found such joys in sorrows and the sorrows found in joy but the Viera did not expect for his heart to be captured, for as long as he had lived, he did not expect to fall for the embodiment of noblesse oblige. Einarr Hrafnsson in his visits (illegal as it is with how closed off the country was) fell for one of House de Gauthier's heirs, Sylvette de Gauthier, a person of nobility and pride. Foolish as he was for challenging them, spear for spear. And for once in his life, he laid defeated in the snow. Sylvette had beaten him fair and square, and he fell like the poor fool he was.

But not all stories have happy endings, theirs was a forbidden romance. The dark nature that encompassed House de Gauthier was a closely guarded secret and what was he to do but to follow into the same sin, to turn a blind eye to the necessary evils they must do to protect their nation. Even if in his heart, he did not agree with such methods in partaking dragon's blood nor could he condone them for it. Afterall, how could he? Einarr and Sylvette's child inherited the sins of the de Gauthiers. Silver, serpentine eyes and brimstone claws. He did what he had to do to protect his spouse and his newly born child, Arndís.

In life, there must be some evils that must be done. This is one harsh truth he had come to learn in his years, hiding inside Ishgard. Such was the way to trade the spear for a bastard sword and take up arms against injustice. To defeat evil, one must become the greater evil. It is why, it came as no surprise that hubris was to be the de Gauthier's downfall, to attack the Holy See, to expose their draconic heritage, and to be felled by their own people. He witnessed a tragedy that made him come undone, the scream of his partner telling him to run away from Ishgard with nothing but their crying child in his arms.

It was the last he saw of his spouse. The last he saw of familiar faces that now laid broken and battered to the ground. He ran away into Ul'dah where he could hide behind the corrupted pockets of the nobility and the greedy, to crawl from tooth and nail to protect the last of his family.

Decades has long since gone by since that dreadful incident, now left with a burning need to search for answers. Now that his daughter, Arndís de Gauthier was old enough along with the child he had adopted later down the line, Ormr Kishna, he was now free to do whatever he pleased. And with it, came the decision to continue his mission, to travel the world in search for clues of his missing partner, refusing to accept that death has taken them to the aetherial sea.


Einarr Hrafnsson is a gentle man, quiet to a fault but will not hesitate to talk amongst those who wish to speak with him, whether if it was to educate, to help, or to simply chat about their days. He will not refuse for a chance to have a nice conversation. It is after all an elder's duty to answer the questions of those curious enough to ask. And the man has lived a long life, the things he had seen and experienced were akin to tales that made what people knew of myths and legends. Vieras are a long lived race after all and he had lived for a 114 years.

Gentle as he is, he prefers to humble himself as he has a strong fighting prowess, he dislikes the need to show-off his skills, preferring to teach his arts to others. Especially, now that he rarely wields the spear in favour of a greatsword. It is why he is often peculiar for a Dark Knight, one that is not powered by anger and spite, but rather by sorrow and loss. He wields the blade to make up for what he could not do in his past.

While the man is kind and fatherly, he is slightly overprotective of his children. The worry that there may come a day where he might slay either of his children for their nature, to be forced to put them to the blade for something they did not asked for and was simply born with. Arndís with her inherited draconic attributes and Ormr with the violent beast waiting beneath her skin. He is a man that always worries even if he cannot properly express it to those around him.

Overall, Einarr is a gentle and humble man willing to help those in need with the voracious appetite to teach others what he know, to pass down the skills he had learned throughout in life.
